DevOps has become a popular term in the corporate world due to its ability to address challenges in software development. It is increasingly being used by professionals and technology departments in companies. If you are unfamiliar with DevOps, it is essential to understand its real meaning and why it is so vital (Perera et al., 2016).
The concept of DevOps is a strategy for optimizing the production processes of modern businesses. With the help of technology, entrepreneurs seek to understand and apply this concept to improve the internal processes of their enterprises. These processes include delivering value quickly and with high quality, automating tests, and reducing the time to identify and fix errors (Abdelkebir et al., 2017).
In order to improve the integration between software developers and the Infrastructure team, managers aim to learn about DevOps. Communication is still a sensitive issue in traditional IT teams (Plant et al., 2021). Developers are tasked with delivering application functionality, while Infrastructure is responsible for maintaining the stability of the environment. Both sides share the same goals but go in opposite directions due to the need for more industry interaction. DevOps seeks to address this challenge (Mohammad, 2016).
DevOps’s practices aim to allow customers to return as quickly as possible. This research has pushed the boundaries of knowledge related to DevOps and the motivation of organizations to employ DevOps, with a particular focus on agility.
Before delving into the reasons behind the chosen area, it is crucial to shed light on the definition of DevOps. DevOps is an agile development methodology that utilizes tools, practices, and effective communication to foster greater collaboration between software developers and IT infrastructure professionals (Kim et al., 2021). Partnerships play a crucial role in simplifying processes, improving quality, and reducing delivery time, ultimately making companies more competitive and attracting more customers. Although the concept sounds straightforward, implementing this integration is more challenging. IT teams that follow traditional management models tend to operate independently with little communication. Therefore, it requires a significant mindset shift and a whole restructuring of teams to make it work effectively (Mishra & Otaiwi; Z., 2020)..The current scenario in the sector is one where bureaucratic conflicts often arise when dealing with problems. This approach is needed to meet the demands of consumers. It is essential to create a sense of common purpose, where the outcome depends on the collective effort of all involved. DevOps aims to achieve this by promoting employee cooperation throughout the project cycle. DevOps operates through four key areas: company culture, automation, evaluation, and sharing (Battina, 2020).
Company culture
This concept makes teams more friendly and collaborative. It makes the work environment healthier, as everyone will be working towards a common goal and with assignments capable of encouraging and empowering each other’s activities.
Only recently, IT professionals were often bogged down by bureaucratic tasks and procedures preventing them from efficiently performing their services. It is important to note that the reliability of DevOps is based on the professionals’ increased control over their work. This working model prioritizes reliability, which is achieved through streamlined processes and efficient workflows (Hamunen, 2016).
DevOps enables quick error identification through application results, allowing for swift improvements. Enterprises can analyze entire processes and conduct various types of measurements and tests.
Effective communication is the fundamental aspect of DevOps in organizations. Integrating different teams enables the exchange of constructive feedback and promotes continuous improvement of work through sharing information and knowledge. DevOps encourages a broader understanding of the business and motivates teams to work collaboratively to achieve common goals. The benefits of good communication extend to other areas, such as Security and Quality Control, leading to an overall improvement in the organization’s operations (Díaz et al., 2021).
It is essential to understand that integrating teams through DevOps is a process, and a single measure does not guarantee perfect integration. This is because we are dealing with people, and any change requires adaptation from them. These adaptations take time and require a series of measures that change the company’s context and promote this evolution of thinking. Different methodologies can be employed to emphasize the advantages of the DevOps concept (Maroukian & Gulliver, 2020).
Bibliography :
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